What hiring executives consider as “exceptional talent” could be very subjective and it really depends on the hiring criteria, the organizations’ work environment, team dynamic, technical skill sets, educational background and industry concentration.
A candidate that is considered a talent in one organization could be considered as an average employee in another. To pin-point specific traits and characteristic could very well be challenging and sometimes misleading.
As far as what we have observed overtime, hiring executives tend to base it on ten factors. The 10 factors are really just starting points. However, if a candidate is truly strong in each factor, chances are high that they can be very valuable to any organization.
Please be advised that the following information is based purely on observation and opinion. Keep in mind that they are not listed in any particular order and each factor weighs differently depending on the hiring executive.
Here are at least 10 key things our specialists look at when identifying evidence of exceptional abilities:
Think of this as pedigree, but instead of genealogy it’s based on years of solid professional training, industry concentration with highly developed skill sets.
Did the person follow the typically progression in the areas of expertise? How hands-on or broad is the person’s experience in executing the responsibilities required to be successful? Is it truly a proven track record or a fluff?
The point: A leader without proven experiences can only advice you on what you should do without supporting real-world frame of references exposing you to a potentially risky or dangerous outcome.
Does the candidate thrive in solving issues unique in the field? What extraordinarily ability that the candidate possesses that allow him to tackle and solve the problems?
When a candidate can explain the issues, describe the processes he or she has implemented, assess improvements while relishing in the accomplishments, chances are high that the candidate is truly an exceptional talent.
This factor is directly associated with the Candidate’s level of creativity and innate ability to think unconventionally and critically, setting him above the average talent pool.
An average candidate enjoys routine tasks, certainties on his daily role and tend to be a creature of habit. However, in this result-driven business environment, executives demand talent who are highly adaptable.
This individual thrives in constantly changing roles and responsibilities that would give him a sense of accomplishment in areas that are unknown, which are often seen as adventures to explore.
This candidate often speaks of challenges that he could overcome which could turn to experiences that can easily be described as his professional bragging rights.
Many leaders and executives enjoy imparting their expertise and knowledge to a person who is highly trainable. They want to pass the baton to the next person who is willing to be groomed to be the upcoming talent in their organizations.
Executives want candidates who are “unnurtured” by competitors, have not acquired “bad habits” and are willing to learn techniques and strategies unique to certain industries.
In other words, know-it-all individuals are considered red flags or unadaptable and will surely be dismissed on the first elimination round.
Talent with exceptional ability to convey their ideas and perspectives effectively on paper or directly with a group of people. They facilitate varying point of views with the goal of achieving definite resolution or buy-in that every team member could agree.
Needless to say, their communication skills are above par whether they are dealing with executives, team members, customers, vendors and other stakeholders.
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