What’s your next career move?
The business world has definitely changed, and the next generation of talent is dictating the trajectory of their careers. At Access Executives, we are here to listen and be your advocate.
Perception is reality.
Your cohesive message or transparent approach matters to the decision maker.
is my resume good enough?
A resume is a tool that helps create an executive summary of your work experience while eliciting an immediate opinion from your audience.
why we fail In interviews?
In a world of self-promotion via social media, one would think that many of us are well-versed in personal promotion or self-marketing.
what can you do differently?
Be realistic and ask your friends for their honest opinion on how you come across on your resume and in a mock interview.
Be true to who you are.
Professional integrity is contagious and attractive.
You create your own story.
Take control on how you want to be perceived. After all, your reputation is your brand.
Meeting with an Executive Recruiter
Not all executive recruiters are equal, the more knowledgeable and active the Executive Recruiters are the higher the chances that you will be exposed to…
How Do I Prepare for a Job Interview?
No matter how experienced you are, interviews can still be challenging and nerve racking to many candidates because of all the unfavorable perception we had…
Qualities of Exceptional Candidate – Part 1
What hiring executives consider as “exceptional talent” could be very subjective and it really depends on the hiring criteria, the organizations’ work environment, team dynamic,…
Qualities of Exceptional Talent – Part 2
What hiring executives consider as “exceptional talent” could be very subjective and it really depends on the hiring criteria, the organizations’ work environment,team dynamic, technical…